How Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) can give you the work and life you really want
by Jasbindar Singh
foreword by Kevin Roberts,
CEO worldwide, Saatchi & Saatchi Ideas Company
Finalist in The Ashton Wylie Charitable Trust Award for 2007
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(pdf, 383 KB)
This is a revolutionary take on a pressing topic – how can we continue to spend more and more of our lives at work if we’re not sure what that work really means. Jasbindar Singh is at the forefront of the global movement to achieve work-life balance through SQ, spiritual intelligence.
Get Your Groove Back is a life- and career-development book providing a fresh perspective on how to:
- Identify what gives you a sense of meaning and purpose
- Analyse your skills, values, interests and career motivators
- Reclaim skills and interests that may have been neglected
- Look at your life and career in a holistic and integrated manner
- Identify and deal to blocks and barriers getting in the way
- Live a balanced and quality life
- Appreciate your life journey right now
- Tap into and harness your spiritual intelligence
Format: 215 x 138 mm portrait, Paperback, 192 pages, black and white drawings
ISBN: 0790010550 / 9780790010557
Price: $29.99
Publication date: 15 June 2006
How to get your copy?
You have the following options
Drop me an email or phone me 09 620 9673 if you would like an autographed copy with a personal message (a lot of people are purchasing as a gift for direct reports, colleagues, family and friends) and we can organise this for you. Out in Auckland, and Scorpio in Christchurch.
or just go to and put your order.
[Scroll down for photos of the book launch]

Gordon Dryden presents Jasbindar with “Author Of The Year” at the National Speakers Association Auckland awards dinner in December 2006.

Jasbindar with her
“Author Of The Year” award
Here’s what some reviewers and readers have to say…
Books to Boost Your Career – New Zealand Herald – Careers Section – January 20th 2007 ‘“ David Maida
If you’re arriving back to your old job after the holidays and feeling less than inspired then you might want to check out some books on how to make a change, handle stress or find your true calling. One book which specifically addresses what to do when you’re heart’s no longer in it is Get Your Groove Back by Auckland business psychologist Jasbindar Singh. Singh offers practical coaching on how to identify what will make you fulfilled and how to achieve it. She uses the notion of spiritual quotient (SQ) but as more of a means of being true to yourself as opposed to any kind of religion. SQ is something, which comes from within and is “institution free”.
The book asks you to take a deep, honest and cut-through look at yourself to find meaning and purpose in your career and your life. Singh at one point asks readers to remember activities they did as a child to help identify their likes.
With the modern workplace culture of sacrifice, Singh suggests we acknowledge our emotions and reflect on our life purpose. She challenges readers to take control of their lives and ask themselves the right questions to find a career, which makes them happy. She even offers guidance on anyone deciding to start their own business. The book deals with weighty subject matter but is broken up with real-life stories, exercises and points of reflection. It is a must for anyone in transition and a read, which you might find yourself revisiting often. Get Your Groove Back is published by Reed and sells for $29.99.
Having read many personal development books over the years, I’m always drawn to those that keep it simply and, yet, are insightful. Like most revelations in life, we wonder why we hadn’t thought about things in that light before. The mere mention of spirituality might still put some off, because (as you say) they confuse spirituality with religion, but I hope that is not the case. Your book takes us on a journey, step by step, to the core of who we are, our values and our drivers. I can now imagine a life where I’m paid for being exactly who I am, and loved by my family, friends and colleagues for being exactly who I am too. This is the way life is meant to be! I shall certainly be recommending your book to the people in my life- though many of my friends and family are UK based, they desperately need your book there!! All good wishes to you.Thanks again.
– Shona
This book will teach you how to harness and use your SQ for both your work and your personal life. Jasbindar is truly a pioneer in this new, exciting and very useful field.
– Martin Rutte, co-author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work”, chair of the Board of The Centre for Spirituality and The Workplace, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada.
The ability to broaden our understanding of what is intelligent and help each individual find their unique intelligence is crucial to society’s evolution into the age of concept and creativity. Jasbindar’s work in this area is world-class and her commitment to purpose and intent is her unique talent.
– Matt Church, best-selling author, one of Australia’s top ten conference speakers and thought leadership mentor and coach.
Too often there is little time left for us to truly engage with our families, communities or companies as we crowd our lives by being busy. As an executive coach, Jasbindar Singh has shepherded me and many of my collegues to discover truths and opportunities that were unknowable at the start. If you have the courage to seek them, this book will guide you on your quest.
– Geoff Mabbett, chief executive, Sustainability Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.
This book will not take you on a religious journey. It will however give you the opportunity to understand yourself in a way that might well surprise you.
Within each of us there is a core set of values and beliefs. Some of us live a life closely aligned to these and others struggle to get any form of alignment at all. Over the last 20 years I have had the opportunity to get to know many “highly successful” people through business and sport. Too many people do not live a life of genuine happiness and fulfilment. Why? Because too often they set out to achieve something for all the wrong reasons.
If you want to explore just what are the “right reasons” for you – Get your Groove Back might be a nice place to start. Jas has a genuine passion for helping people put themselves in a position to know themselves and be the best they can at whatever is important to them. Take some time to get to know yourself a little better – you might just be surprised where you can take yourself!
– Greg Muir, executive chairperson, Pumpkin Patch, Auckland, New Zealand.
There is so much pain and darkness in organizations because we have forgotten soul and spirit. Get your Groove Back will awaken your Spiritual Intelligence and help you to align your values, your work, and your soul’s deepest longings.
– Judi Neal, Ph.D., executive director of Association for Spirit at Work, author of “Edgewalkers: People and Organizations that Take Risks, Create the Future, and Thrive on the Edge”.
At last a down-to-earth spiritual book! Get your Groove Back defines spirituality and makes it acceptable and accessible by integrating it fully into our daily lives at work and at home. Of course, spirit is not something we have, but is what we are, even though the workplace culture, until recently, has steadfastly denied it. That no longer is so; SQ is increasingly being discussed, and this book further contributes to this important progress. Only when we acknowledge and fully accept our spiritual nature can we hope to understand, and find the strength to resolve, the mutiple challenges of life in these disturbed times. This is a How To… book for everyone, even those who have not previously considered themselves to be spiritual.
– Sir John Whitmore, author of the best selling “Coaching for Performance” published in 15 languages, management consultant and winner of the British and European motor racing championships.
There are no perfect answers, just useful questions. Jasbindar has written a book of elegance and beauty, based on a model of spirituality that seamlessly brings together work, play and family. Besides such positive aesthetics, this book has utility for people searching for answers in the here and now. Jasbindar addresses contemporary issues facing many people at the beginning of the third millennium. However, as the book illuminates, each of us has our own unique choices; this book of questions is an opportunity to better understand and make those choices. Here is your opportunity to understand and take control of your own life’s choices.
– Alan Mayo, IT manager and part-time philosopher.
My career was in reasonably good shape when I went to Jasbindar but I knew I needed a more healthy work/life balance. Jasbindar helped me identify where I was at, where I wanted to be, and how to get there. Now, just two years later, I am in the very happy position of having reduced hours but still loving my work, and following my dream of writing. What sets Jasbindar apart is her focus on helping you achieve career goals in a way that healthily feeds both the finances and the soul. I highly recommend this book!
– Miriama Kamo, journalist and TV presenter, New Zealand.
Here are some photos taken at the book launch…
FREE DOWNLOAD… To download a free excerpt, right click the following link and select “Save Target As…”
Get your Groove Back – free excerpt (pdf, 383 KB)