
We Get Results, Fast

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As well as doing presentations and speaking on how to harness greater levels of engagement, fulfillment and effectiveness ( see speaking engagements), Jasbindar is often called in by CEOs, GGMs, GMs and HR managers to help with:

Combining her three decades of working with individuals in organizations and her psychology training, she does this alchemically by taking a systemic, holistic approach, and by focusing on results.

Jasbindar looks for strengths and resources and turns them into opportunities. Or, putting it into psycho-speak, transforming ‘baggage  and strengths  into gold.’

Holistic and in-depth approach

Jasbindar considers all of a person’s life – physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual. She looks at work/life balance and alignment between a person’s values and the organisation’s values. She considers each person’s attitudes and belief systems. She looks to see whether people’s practices (the things they do) are congruent with their vision and values, and whether they have an appreciation of the interconnectedness of their actions and life

Integrity and Values
Jasbindar helps her coachees and clients live the values and beliefs they espouse as being important to them.  She is able to facilitate an understanding and clear grasp of factors that could, unbeknownst to them, be undermining their integrity and performance and how they could have breakthroughs

Results focused
Jasbindar is focused on outcomes for both the individual and the organisation. She creates “shifts” for people by helping them achieve their goals and removing any blocks or stuckness.

Commercial awareness
Jasbindar is able to very quickly establish rapport with people and quickly hone in on the real problem and find levers to bring about rapid change.

“Jasbindar has the most profound understanding of people. Whether in personal counselling or in planning marketing initiatives she empowered me in my decision making. From our first consultation, I developed insights into consumer behaviour the likes of which I have never found through extensive reading on the subject.
Her questioning cut very smartly to the fundamental issues. It led to revelations about myself that were totally unexpected. With insights now available to me, I find that I have developed absolute confidence in using her as my mentor.”
Peter Webster, Managing Director, Street TV Ltd