How has 2012 shaped up for you?

The end of the year is a natural marker for us to reflect and take stock of not just the year that was but also to look ahead with some hope, anticipation and planning. Engaging in reflective practice is one of the fundamentals in advancing our deepening wisdom and self knowledge which Socrates and Vedic teachers have been masters in.

Here are three questions you may wish to ponder for both your personal and professional life.

1)       What have been some key achievements this year?

2)      What has been a surprise or opportunity that came unexpectedly and how did you embrace it or what deal with it?

3)      What are you intending to grow, build and develop next year?

Whatever your focus, as Gandhi so aptly put it, be the change you wish to see!  We experience a greater sense of fulfillment and joy when we have energy and engagement for whatever we take on.

I wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy festive season and a brilliant New Year!

(P.S.  Here are some further exploratory questions).

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