What was the most surprising feedback you received last year?

man-with-laptopThe beginning of the new year naturally gets us reflecting. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Some years feel great and we want the momentum to continue; others tougher.

With the latter, we look forward to the New Year quietly acknowledging or sharing with friends perhaps that “the new year just has to be better!”

So how was last year for you?

And what was your review process for the year that has been?  Like many, did you do any of these?

List all your achievements?

Identify the goals you achieved and those you are still working on?

Sharpening your focus and setting some new goals?

Of course, there are no right or wrong ways of doing the above. The most important thing is that it works for you. 

Having said that, the actual process of taking time out and writing – be it in your device or paper journal can be a powerful anchor.  This especially if you review your goals as you go during the year!

However you review, there is a question I would like to invite you to ponder on right now:

What has been the best or most unexpected feedback you received last year and what action have you taken on it?

This could have arisen from a more formal 360-degree feedback or from a casual comment of a friend or trusted colleague.

This is the feedback that resonated and really landed for you when you first heard it.

A reminder – Such feedback can be worth its weight in gold so if you have not done so already, remember to build this also in your goal setting or planning process.

The rewards may surprise you as we often keep tripping over the same unaddressed issues! To be successful, we need to AMPLIFY our strengths and MANAGE our weaknesses.

My very best to you for an AMAZING YEAR.

P.S. If you have LOST YOUR MOJO – download this brief guide

P.P.S. If you are keen to DEVELOP YOUR LEADERSHIP – check out this brief guide

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