Tag Archives: authentic leadership

How Jacinda Ardern Sets a New Global Benchmark for Leadership and Why We Should Pay Attention

“One of the criticisms I’ve faced over the years is that I’m not aggressive enough or assertive enough, or maybe somehow, because I’m empathetic, it means I’m weak. I totally rebel against that. I refuse to believe that you cannot … Continue reading

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The Leadership Journey

The Leadership Journey Nineteen people came together as individuals – working for the same organization but not with a great deal of knowledge about each other. In a mere two days, they had moved from individuals to three healthy, dynamic … Continue reading

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What was the most surprising feedback you received last year?

The beginning of the new year naturally gets us reflecting. The good, the bad and the ugly. Some years feel great and we want the momentum to continue; others tougher. With the latter, we look forward to the New Year quietly … Continue reading

Posted in Giving and receiving feedback, leadership | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Authentic Leadership: Have you had a defining moment?

Last week, as part of our authentic leadership programme, my colleague and I invited the participants to explore their leadership stories. These are stories that have formed and informed us and make us the leaders that we are. The exploration … Continue reading

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Authentic Leadership: Your Emerging Story

People have forgotten how to tell a story. Stories don’t have a middle or an end.  They usually have a beginning that never stops beginning. – Steven Spielberg Growing up as young kids in a fairly traditional family and in a … Continue reading

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The eight lessons Paul Henry teaches us about leadership.

Whichever way one looks at it, Paul Henry’s recent comments asking the Prime Minister whether the next Governor-General is going to “look and sound like a New Zealander” are insulting and racist. It falls way below the mark in his … Continue reading

Posted in Careers, Emotional Intelligence, Integrity and Values, leadership, Spiritual Intelligence | Tagged , , , , , , | 10 Comments

How to lead in times of crisis – 6 leadership lessons from BP’s CEO, Tony Hayward

In times of crisis, how a leader fronts and deals with the situation can either fan an already out of control situation or they can take full responsibility and become part of the solution. Sadly, BP’s CEO – Tony Hayward’s … Continue reading

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, Integrity and Values, leadership, Work and life engagement | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Could a lack of “self awareness” be holding back your career?

We have a measure of choice and control over what we are aware of, but what we are unaware of controls us. -Sir John Whitmore  We are more effective in life when we exhibit high levels of self-awareness.  Self-awareness, a … Continue reading

Posted in Awareness & Consciousness, Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, leadership, Spiritual Intelligence | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments