Tag Archives: Spiritual Intelligence

Could a lack of “self awareness” be holding back your career?

We have a measure of choice and control over what we are aware of, but what we are unaware of controls us. -Sir John Whitmore  We are more effective in life when we exhibit high levels of self-awareness.  Self-awareness, a … Continue reading

Posted in Awareness & Consciousness, Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, leadership, Spiritual Intelligence | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

What is Spiritual Intelligence or SQ?

We all know of intellectual intelligence (IQ) and more latterly, the importance of emotional intelligence (EQ) in health, happiness and work success but what about spiritual intelligence (SQ)?  While interest in IQ is nearly a century old, EQ’s place in … Continue reading

Posted in Careers, Emotional Intelligence, Integrity and Values, Personal development, Spiritual Intelligence | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dealing with Change

Nothing remains the same; everything changes! If you are going through a change or transition in your life, here are 10 tips that could help: 1) Acknowledge that you are going through a “transition phase” and give yourself time to … Continue reading

Posted in Careers, Coaching, Personal development, Spiritual Intelligence | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment