Tag Archives: transitions

From Darkness to Light

Winter lingered like an unwelcome visitor, but finally, Spring arrived – one little step after another. Jasmine scented the air on crisp mornings in the lull between seasons; daffodils thrust dreary winter aside, lambs gambolled in Auckland’s Cornwall Park and in … Continue reading

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The Inevitability of Change

Time and time again, it has been said – the three things we can all be certain of – death, taxes and change! And depending on our circumstances, one of these may be more pressing than the others. I had … Continue reading

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How to Quickly Get Back on Track When You Have De-railed

Have you de-railed in your tracks recently? You were going along just fine and then WHAMO! Despite all your good intentions, rigorous goal setting and solid commitment, you found yourself back to where you did not wish to be. Unwittingly … Continue reading

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The Gift of New Beginnings After the Ending

Facing endings Endings are a natural, inevitable part of life. Whether these endings come about in our jobs and careers, love and family life or other aspects of our social, recreational and community life, there is an inevitable emotional reaction. … Continue reading

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How to Unleash Your Creativity When You are Stuck in a Rut

“To be successful we must live from our imaginations, not from our memories.” ~ Steven Covey Can you relate to any of these thoughts and feelings?  You feel stuck in a rut. Trapped!  You have had enough of being where … Continue reading

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Pay Attention to those Weak Signals

Weak signals; powerful message. A lot of the times the answers we are seeking are right there. But we don’t have the eyes to see, nor the ears to hear. In fact, we override what our senses might be picking … Continue reading

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The Magic of Grand Canyon

Seeing the Grand Canyon last week was a truly overwhelming experience – no wonder it’s rated as one of the seven wonders of the world.  What an incredible vision! And to think that what we saw was a tiny fraction … Continue reading

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Dealing with endings

Endings are a natural, inevitable part of life. Whether these endings come about in our jobs and careers, love and family life or other aspects of our social, recreational and community life, there is an inevitable emotional reaction. Life as … Continue reading

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7 tips for when you have lost your mojo

Do you feel like you have lost your spark?  Perhaps things aren’t quite going your way.  Or you find yourself going through the motions but deep inside are feeling lost and directionless? Or perhaps you have gone through some significant … Continue reading

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Managing disappointment in business

The natural inclination for humans including leaders is to aspire, to want, to achieve.  Whether this is in one’s job, career, business, relationship and or sporting and community life, we are motivated by the pull of what is appealing and … Continue reading

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