Category Archives: Emotional Intelligence

Handling workplace stress without jeopardizing your job or reputation

Tension, stress and relationship challenges are all part and parcel of life – work and home included. The key is not so much that these exist but how one deals with it. The thing to not do is  “blow up” … Continue reading

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7 cross-cultural insights for business success

The business world is now more connected than ever before. And companies with global operations have executives who are doing business with new emerging markets – different countries with diverse cultural groups of locals and other international executives.  While the … Continue reading

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10 tips to enhance your leadership EQ

Leaders have to inspire, challenge and lead others.  Your people will be asking themselves, “Why should I follow him or her?”   In order to be an engaging leader you need to understand and harness the best of your people.  Emotional … Continue reading

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Activating your human superpowers

This edited post is by guest blogger Amanda Fleming.The purpose of this article is to present you with an expanded way of thinking and feeling about yourself, and to offer a view of what the present ‘moment’ in our unfolding process as … Continue reading

Posted in Awareness & Consciousness, Emotional Intelligence, Personal development, Spiritual Intelligence | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Looking to live a life of greater meaning and engagement?

It’s the time of the year when we are reviewing our lives including the work we do. If you are feeling unfulfilled and wanting to live a life of greater meaning, the following eleven questions will help. If you are … Continue reading

Posted in Careers, Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, Personal development, Spiritual Intelligence, Strengths-based approach, Work and life engagement | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A strengths-based review of your 2012

Christmas holiday is a great time for rest, renewal and reflection. The year-end underlines a natural point for a stock take – how things shaped up and what we are up to in our lives.  With the advent of the … Continue reading

Posted in Careers, Emotional Intelligence, leadership, Personal development, Strengths-based approach | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

5 essentials when making career or life changes

Change is one of the few certainties in life. Yet we can still feel daunted when confronted with it.  Even changes we choose to make bring forth emotions and reactions not quite anticipated.  If you are on the threshold of … Continue reading

Posted in Careers, Emotional Intelligence, Integrity and Values, Spiritual Intelligence, Strengths-based approach | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Are you leading with a sense of entitlement?

Whether you are a manager, leader or an employee, having a sense of entitlement can be a dangerous thing. I am not referring to certain entitlements we all have as per legal, contractual or basic moral rights. But more the … Continue reading

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, Integrity and Values, leadership, Personal development | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

The eight lessons Paul Henry teaches us about leadership.

Whichever way one looks at it, Paul Henry’s recent comments asking the Prime Minister whether the next Governor-General is going to “look and sound like a New Zealander” are insulting and racist. It falls way below the mark in his … Continue reading

Posted in Careers, Emotional Intelligence, Integrity and Values, leadership, Spiritual Intelligence | Tagged , , , , , , | 10 Comments

7 Insights into Employee Engagement

1. Employee engagement is a three-way process and requires responsibility, accountability and ownership from employer, employees and the organization.  We talk about employee engagement including the kinds of things employees need to feel engaged and what the managers and leaders … Continue reading

Posted in Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Engagement, Integrity and Values, leadership, Personal development, Work and life engagement | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment