Time and time again, it has been said – the three things we can all be certain of – death, taxes and change!
And depending on our circumstances, one of these may be more pressing than the others.
I had not been for a walk in the Western Springs Park since summer so autumn’s presence was spectacular!
From the crunch of the leaves to its gentle fall on you – the beautiful palate of variegated colours, an artist could not have painted better!
Here in the Southern Hemisphere in a few days time on the first of June winter begins.
A change bringing its own challenges – it gets dark early as there are fewer hours of sun but more rain and cold.
But also the delights as we curled up by the fire (or heater), warm, hearty meals and lots more sleep!
The in-between seasons can take a bit of adjustment and getting used to.
Whatever our favourite season, there is a hankering for that to continue – be it the endless days of summer or the freshness and vitality of spring, the cooling temperatures of autumn or the feeling of hibernation in winter.
Not unlike life – sometimes getting used to change can challenge us to the core as the familiar disappears from our experience. The heart yearns for what was but we don’t always have a say in the matter.
And yet when we open our hearts and embrace the change, we stop resisting and flow with what is.
And in the process, like the chrysalis, we transition and emerge anew.