Career and Life Reflections

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Unsplash

Covid-19 certainly upended our lives as we knew it. It caught us by surprise and struck us on many levels; some good and some challenging.

While some of us have returned to work; others have no work to return to.

It has raised more profound questions about what matters in life and how we could do and be better at work, home and in our communities.

This week I had several conversations with clients, colleagues and friends who highlighted the relevance of the message in my book, “Get Your Groove Back” – How Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) can give you the work and life you really want.

It brought back one of the most powerful memories for me some years after the book was launched. I was at an overseas conference and walking across the lobby for morning tea when a total stranger sidled up to me and whispered, “Your book saved my life!”

Seeing the surprised look on my face, he proceeded to explain that a Kiwi friend had sent him a copy and it was just what he needed during that challenging patch in his life.

If you are wondering about your next career and life steps, here are some reflective questions from the book, which might help.

Your life story 

  • What have been your greatest moments of fulfilment?
  • What would you choose as the three most critical choices in your life?
  • How have these defining moments impacted your sense of self and career?
  • If you were narrating your life story to someone, what sort of story would it be? What might be the title?
  • Is there an underlying theme in your story?
  • How have you changed in the last ten years?
  • How has your cultural background contributed to who you are?
  • What strengths have you discounted, taken for granted or underutilised?
  • What gives you a sense of being alive, excited and or grounded?
  • What things are changing in your life right now?
  • What are you welcoming, and what are you saying good-bye to?

Take care as you navigate your next steps.

For more guidance and to order a copy of “Get Your Groove Back” visit  –

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