Inclusivity in diversity paves the way

DH fireworksThere is energy and vibrancy in the air. The sun is about to set but this signals even more adventures to come. The night is just beginning for all the thrill-seekers, celebratory parties and even the odd, quiet observer like me.

There are young women dressed to the nighs, groups of ‘hen parties,’ hand holding couples – the newly in love as well as the vintage variety and other groups about to board the harbour cruise.

What delights me as I make my way through the throngs in Darling Harbour is that within meters I’m picking up the many different accents. I recognize a few – Turkish, Hindi, Spanish, Chinese and Punjabi.

Visually too – just like accents, there is a real diversity in age and dress style. Everyone seems to be pretty upbeat. They are here to have a good time, especially the chirpy young ones. One thing clear to me though is that my days of tottering on heels skywards are well and truly behind me. Fashionable they may be but I worry about the the unnecessary accident possibly waiting to happen.

The greater diversity is something I’ve always cherished about Sydney. My short few days here have been maximised eating some of my favourite foods and of course shopping.

Tonight’s little 360 degree twirl around Darling Harbour,  Cockle Bay etc including the unexpected taking in of a street show by a Japanese fire eating artist delights and uplifts my heart.

I can’t help but think we are the human version of nature’s jungle. We too have our own version of symbiotic and parasitic relationships. How good will it be if we could do more of the symbiotic stuff – sharing the same space – different but together.

There is a lot to be said for inclusivity in diversity.  This means embracing each other in all our humanity.

We can all set the way here; not just those who lead.

I live in hope!

Jasbindar Singh is an Indian woman of Sikh descent who works as a business psychologist and leadership coach and who loves working across cultures.

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