Author Archives: Jasbindar Singh

Emerging Leaders – Influencing Skills Online Course

Influencing Skills for Emerging Leaders  Online Course is now open for enrolment. Visit this page to learn more about the course: You will learn about how to: Better understand your stakeholder drivers so they can hear your message Become … Continue reading

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Your Well-Being is Paramount

The last few months, I have had conversations with clients, colleagues and friends who shared similar things.  The common themes have been – dealing with change and transitions, navigating through the unknown, fear and uncertainty about the future, and feelings … Continue reading

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What NOT to do in Influencing Your Stakeholders

Learning to influence our stakeholders with greater impact is even more critical now with many more of us working remotely. Perhaps you can relate to this story about Amanda. I have changed her name for privacy reasons. Amanda is a … Continue reading

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How to Have Greater Leadership Impact

Do you sometimes struggle to get heard and taken more seriously? Are you left questioning as to how you can influence your boss (or another stakeholder) more effectively? Is influencing those you have to work with and yet have little … Continue reading

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This will transform the way you coach

A heads up! Are you enjoying the FREE WBECS Pre-Summit? Who has been your favourite speaker? I have certainly valued the insights I gained from the sessions that I attended. If you’re interested in registering for the Full Summit, you … Continue reading

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Career and Life Reflections

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Unsplash Covid-19 certainly upended our lives as we knew it. It caught us by surprise and struck us on many levels; some good and some challenging. While some of us have returned to work; … Continue reading

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Develop Your Coaching in 2020

Greetings! For the last seven years,  I have attended and promoted WBECS – the World Business and Executive Coach Summit and it has always proved to be a top learning opportunity. WBECS is a live, online summit featuring over 40 … Continue reading

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Dealing with Covid-19 and beyond

I wrote this blog in the early days of the lockdown. However, given the sense of overwhelm in adjusting to our dramatically changed reality, adding another blog just did not feel right. But when several people mentioned that they hadn’t … Continue reading

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5 Leadership lessons from the All Blacks Defeat

How thrilling it was watching the Rugby World Cup (RWC) held in Japan these past six weeks. As a nation, we felt proud of our boys – the incomparable All Blacks (Abs) in that famous black jersey. The possibility of … Continue reading

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Influence Skills Survey

The ability to influence and effect change in your stakeholder’s thinking, behaviour and actions is a core leadership skill.  As a manager and leader, to be able to inspire, motivate, and communicate with clarity and conviction towards a common goal … Continue reading

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