“One key to successful leadership is continuous personal change. Personal change is a reflection of our inner growth and empowerment.”
– Robert E. Quinn
Getting feedback may not always feel comfortable but it’s definitely a powerful ally and gift in the leadership journey. Regardless of whether its formal or informal feedback – it invariably enables us to consider things which may previously have been out of our sight, even a blind spot.
The insights received from feedback leads us to adapt, modify or change a perceived behavior flaw resulting in improved performance and greater positive impact.
Feedback on our strengths is an even greater enabler. It helps us leverage and maximise our strengths for even greater results.
And ultimately it helps us grow as people.
Joseph Folkman addresses 35 principles for turning feedback into personal and professional change in his very easy to read and highly recommended book “The power of feedback.”
Here is a random list of 12 from his 35 principles: Continue reading