Category Archives: Coaching

Coaches: Learn from the Industry’s Top Thought Leaders!

It’s not often that you get to learn from over 40 of the most brilliant minds and successful coaches in one place…. But this is exactly what’s happening at the WBECS Pre-Summit this June! Each year they bring together world-class … Continue reading

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COACHES: Have you heard about Conversational Intelligence®?

Have you heard about C-IQ yet? C-IQ, or Conversational Intelligence®, is a revolutionary coaching methodology developed by Judith E. Glaser that allows you to leverage the power of neuroscience to create rapid, transformational shifts with your clients. Soon, Judith will … Continue reading

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Coaches: How to Build a Thriving Coaching Business

In this blog I interviewed Jayne Warrilow as she launches her new book, The 10 Day Coaches MBA: The Small Business Book for Coaches Who Want To Play Bigger. If you are a coach, I strongly recommend that you read … Continue reading

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The most impactful coaching event of the year

ALERT:  Did you miss some of the WBECS pre-summit as per below which you wanted to attend live? They are releasing 7 sessions in total including many of the highest rated Pre-Summit sessions from this year.  Click here to access the … Continue reading

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When to Use an Executive Coach

From time to time, I am approached by managers and leaders who are wondering if executive coaching will benefit them with their career and business goals. When to use coaching? The reasons for working with an executive coach are just as … Continue reading

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What is Your Listening Block?

Most of us can be found to be guilty of not listening fully when someone is speaking to us. Sometimes this happens even more so with our loved ones. The thinking that “we know them so well that we know … Continue reading

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Managing with Aloha – The Hawaiian Way

While in Hawaii, I had the great pleasure of coming across the work of Rosa Say, a workplace culture and leadership coach, author and speaker. Rosa brings a unique Hawaiian perspective to business and workplace focusing on core Hawaiian values … Continue reading

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Leadership proactivity in building resilience

Resilience is our capacity to face and bounce back from the many challenges life confronts us in unpredictable ways.  And thankfully, there are a number of proven strategies that work in dealing with our stressful and challenging situations including: having … Continue reading

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What is the one thing if you did would make a real difference to you?

In coaching, it becomes evident that often it is NOT that the talented executives do not have the answer but more – they are not practicing ‘IT’ – whatever this happens to be for them. This gap between knowing and … Continue reading

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The gift of reflection to be a better leader

Taking time to reflect helps give perspective and make greater sense of events and experiences.  The reflective process inquires, poses questions, gets insights, sees things anew and it builds.  It helps us get to know ourselves and others in a … Continue reading

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