SQ Consulting by Jasbindar Singh

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The most impactful coaching event of the year

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ALERT:  Did you miss some of the WBECS pre-summit as per below which you wanted to attend live?

They are releasing 7 sessions in total including many of the highest rated Pre-Summit sessions from this year. 

Click here to access the session recordings over the next 7 days starting May 31! https://coach.wbecs.com/wbecs2016ps/a6572

Up level the quality of your coaching at no cost!

Enjoy, learn and grow your business as you contribute to others  – how good is that?



Hello there! I am delighted to share this wonderful free learning opportunity with you, especially if you are a coach or are interested in learning more about coaching tools, techniques and methodologies from some of the best in the world.

As coaches, the quality of our coaching provision is truly our most valuable asset and I believe that constantly educating ourselves and raising our standards is crucial for long-term success.

You might know that I have  attended WBECS – the World Business and Executive Coaching Summit – last year and I have received outstanding value from their powerful presenters.

At WBECS – which is a live online summit, featuring more than 80 of the biggest names and most impactful experts in the coaching profession –  the speakers share their most profound tools, frameworks and methodologies that you can apply in your own coaching right away.

I’ve personally gained extraordinary value from the summit!

If you’re interested in learning from the best of the best and increasing the quality of your coaching provision as a result, I highly recommend that you join their complimentary Pre-Summit held in May during which you’ll get access to more than 45 shorter power sessions at absolutely no cost!

You are free to register for as many Pre-Summit sessions as you’d like and you can simply choose the ones that are most relevant to you at this point.

The world-class presenters at WBECS will cover a wide range of topics and different areas of coaching. You will find many incredible sessions that are absolutely relevant to you and your practice.

Here are just a few examples of all the profound content you’ll be able to access when you join the complimentary Pre-Summit:

  • How Breakthrough Coaching Works – Applying the Science of Presence and Change
  • Tame the Primitive Brain. Manage The Most Impulsive Behaviors at Work
  • Overcoming Immunity to Change with Intercultural Coaching
  • Rewinding and Retelling Your Story: The Power of Pivoting in the Moment
  • Show Them Why You’re Worth It With ROI
  • Evolutionary Coaching: An Introduction to the Ego-Soul Dynamics of Personal Growth
  • Making the transition from one to one coach to team coach
  • Bringing Mindfulness into Coaching: How Presence Becomes a Crucial Outcome for Clients in Big Challenges
  • And so much more!

Click the link below to reserve your spot for the complimentary WBECS Pre-Summit:


I promise you will gain incredible value from it!

Jasbindar Singh
Partner WBECS Summit


As a leadership and career coach, team facilitator and speaker, I love working with individuals, teams and organisations to help them grow and progress with their goals and vision.  

Download your free 10 Actions for your leadership development journey.

You can contact me at +64 27 280 3335 or jasbindar@jasbindarsingh.com

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How to Manage Your Stress in the Workplace and Home

stress man 1“The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived.” 
– Robert Jordan

Tension, stress and relationship challenges are all part and parcel of our crazy, busy lives – work and home.

Can you recall the last time you felt stressed and challenged at work or home?  Perhaps this was in the recent past or perhaps it is right now that you are facing some big challenges?

The key to our resilience is not so much that these stressors are there but how we deal with it. 

The two extreme strategies that don’t work are avoidance – wishing that the issues would magically disappear, using escape methods such as food, alcohol and drugs or “blowing up” as we vent and take out our frustrations and anger on someone else.  This is even worse when the ‘someone else’ is an unsuspecting spouse or someone close to us.

It has been a while but I still recall how shocked I was when I first discovered that a seemingly  “very together” senior team member actually resorted to using anger to control people and to dominate. Needless to say, they did not last very long in that role.

What works is that instead of reacting and being at the mercy of our emotions, we develop our emotional intelligence and adopt a more constructive, problem-solving approach to whatever we are facing. This is not always easy but necessary.

So how do you respond when you get stressed?  What strategies work best for you when your resilience gets tested?

There are many things we can do to build our resilience and capacity to deal with stressful situations.

Here are a few pointers for your reflection: Continue reading

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How to Get the Best from Your Introverted Team Members

Introverted team member
“Introverted feeling types have a wealth of warmth and enthusiasm, but they may not show it until they know someone well. They wear their warm side inside, like a fur-lined coat.” 

– Isabel Briggs Myers

In our world the externals including charisma and outgoing personalities get noted and praised starting right from early school.
For example, one teacher’s feedback, “Johnny is a confident, active and outgoing child.” On the other hand  “Anjila is very quiet in class and keeps to herself.”

Okay – so we are who we are and here’s what we need to remember:

Both personality preferences have their strengths

As bosses, parents, teachers and community leaders, we need to be mindful that both the extroverted and introverted personality preferences bring their own strengths as much as they have their challenges.

If we are aware of this, we can optimise performance and exchange with our colleagues, direct reports, students and even the seemingly incalcitrant teenager, on some occasions!

“Well-developed introverts can deal ably with the world around them when necessary, but they do their best work inside their heads, in reflection. 
Similarly well-developed extraverts can deal effectively with ideas, but they do their best work externally, in action.”
― Isabel Briggs MyersGifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type

Team meetings

Let us look at team meetings where we spend a large chunk of our working time. Continue reading

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How to Give Great Feedback and Save Your Relationship

two biz man“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.”
– Yehuda Berg

Imagine this – you have just finished a presentation to about a hundred attendees out of town.

This particular presentation was not only your first of this kind but unbeknownst to the audience, you had had just a difficult conversation with a family member, which was not something you had planned for.

Regardless, you did the best presentation you could do and felt relieved that it was finally over.

As you are heading to the back of the room, an attendee walks up to you and says, you know what,  “That was ALL wrong!”

And then they proceed to tell me why and what you “SHOULD” have done.

This actually happened to me some fifteen years ago at an event. Needless to say I was totally gob smacked!  Continue reading

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How to Develop Yourself for Greater Leadership Success

business woman with laptopAre you a new or emerging leader who is now on an upward leadership path?

Perhaps you have been a competent technical performer, delivering  results as expected, but now you feel that something more is needed to take the next step and progress further in your career.

Or as commonly happens, you got passed over for a promotion when someone else you considered “less skilled” landed the job you really wanted?

It is equally likely that you have been “shoulder tapped” by your manager and this left you feeling, a tad underconfident with the inner response, “What? Me?”

Whatever your reasons – one thing you have become aware is the need to grow your leadership skills and capabilities.

You may be asking yourself “Where do I begin and what actions can I take?”

The list of useful leadership skills you can develop are numerous including: strategic, decision-making, influencing, collaboration, team leadership, operational excellence, stakeholder management, digital ease, being a values champion, governance and so on.

As an emerging leader, if you are wondering where to start, you may wish to download this guide.

I have selected 10 areas for you to consider and take action on.

In my last post in LinkedIn  – How to Avoid Falling off the Leadership Ladder –  “problems with interpersonal relationships” was identified as a key area by the Centre of Creative Leadership on why executives de-rail.

This guide is focusing on the non-technical, softer skills vital for managers and leaders.

As always, I welcome your thoughts and feedback.

Download your free 10 Actions for your leadership development journey.


You can also join me on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook


As a leadership and career coach, team facilitator and speaker, I love working with individuals, teams and organisations to help them grow and progress with their goals and vision.  You can contact me at +64 27 280 3335 or jasbindar@jasbindarsingh.com

Image courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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What is Your Leadership Mantra for 2016?

success mantra“That word which brings a mind to a discipline to support you is called “Mantra.” 
– Yogi Bhajan

I have come to love the transition months of December and January.   The festive and holiday feel of the end of the year leading to the birth of the new year with a sense of freshness, renewal and re-commitment!

It’s like we are given another chance …. to let go of the old that wasn’t working, to take some risks, to make amends and to try on some new things!

 Mantra vs. Mission Statement

I was reminded of a post I had written some years ago prompted by an article my colleague had sent by Guy Kawasaki’s on mantra vs. mission statement.

Guy, a former Apple evangelist and now a chief evangelist for Canva, is an ardent supporter of individuals and organisations having mantras rather than mission statements.

His mantra message still remains relevant.

While exchanging good wishes with friends, family and colleagues, I  repeatedly heard the ‘mantra theme’ as people shared their vision for the new year.

One entrepreneurial friend and successful businessman talked about 2016 as the year of “consolidation” while another who had been very risk averse in their approach to life talked about “stepping out and taking a few more risks!”  Continue reading

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What is Your Idea of SUCCESS in 2016?

success“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” 
― Leonardo da Vinci

Success is something most human beings desire and gravitate towards. The word itself has a rich, positive connotation.

A lot of products and services get sold based on the promise of success. Buy this or do that and will find yourself in the winner’s camp.

But what does success mean to you?

Is it about the achievement of short or long-term goals or more external measures of what society defines as successful?

Or fundamentally is it about the quest for happiness and well-being that we think it will provide?

“The good news is that the moment you decide that what you know is more important than what you have been taught to believe, you will have shifted gears in your quest for abundance. Success comes from within, not from without.” 
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Success may be an abstract term but it has a lot of emotional and psychological currency attached to it.

For me, at a professional level, the essence of success embraces the gift of learning, growing and developing both personally and professionally and being able to contribute in a meaningful and rewarding way.

More personally, it is about loving and feeling loved by family and friends and experiencing good levels of health, well-being and wisdom – things I have appreciated more with the passing years! 🙂

How about you? What will be success for you in 2016?

It seems that to find fulfilment in life, we have to find something that is bigger than ourselves.

Dr. Martin Seligman, an eminent American psychologist and founder of Positive Psychology outlines three types of happiness:

The first one is the Hollywood type, he calls the ‘pleasant life.’ This consists of having as many pleasures as possible and savouring them but in spite of these pleasures, happiness can still be elusive.

The second type of happiness is described as the good life’ where people learn what their strengths are and use them as much as possible in their daily life. This is seen as being more attainable.

The third form of happiness he describes is the meaningful life. This is ‘ineluctably pursued by humans….knowing what your highest strengths are and deploying them in the service of something larger than you are.’

With the new year, make sure your success measures are based on things that really matter to you focusing on your mission, core purpose, values, passion and vision.


Here are some other success thoughts to ponder:

  • Success is passion, possibility and perseverance over time
  • “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.” Swami Vivekananda
  • “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” Bill Gates
  • Success and failure are two sides of a coin. Failure can teach more than success but learn from both!
  • “We need to take our best ideas, our strongest intuitions, and we need to test them. We need to measure whether we’ve been successful, and we have to be willing to fail, to be wrong, to start over again with lessons learned.” Angela Lee Duckworth
  • Maintaining success can be harder than achieving success
  • “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan
  • “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill

As you reflect, I would love to hear what your idea of success is for 2016?  Please feel free to share.

Jasbindar Singh is a coaching psychologist working with managers and leaders to enhance their self awareness and leadership effectiveness.

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Why Gratitude is Good for You!

Xmas tree st lukesIt is that time of the year!  If you are like many of my clients, you may be feeling low energy, tired, even exhausted after the considerable output of this year.  And you won’t be alone in needing time to just stop, re-charge and refresh with the upcoming break.

Here is a powerful thing you can do which will help renew and bring positive energy and good feelings back:

The power of Gratitude

As we countdown to Christmas or end of the year, do make time to really appreciate and savour all your blessings!

Notice all the gifts, resources, capabilities, blessings, magic and mayhem that life is but especially the gift that our loved ones of family and friends are to us.

And then in your thoughts extend these feelings of appreciation and gratitude back to them.

Those thoughts influences our heart rate variability, which then send positive messages to our brain which in turn manufactures and releases positive feel good chemicals in the body.  Continue reading

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Have You Got the End-of-Year Career Blues?

Change ahead warning signAre you suffering from the end-of-year career blues? Are you questioning “can I bear to have a repeat of this year” and the answer and inner knowing is a definitive NO!

We naturally get a bit more reflective as the year ends – thinking about our lives in a more holistic way than we have had time for during the busy year of deliverables.

As our jobs, business, relationships and careers come into greater focus, we ask ourselves whether we doing what we truly want to be doing? These questions can also feel scary as they raise the issue of how resonant, fulfilling and aligned our work is with our deeper self or calling.  You may even be questioning what the latter is for you.

If you are like some of my recent coachees who have wanted to discuss strategies for moving forward, then I have a special offer for you later in the blog.

But for now youchained c may wish to check-in with the questions under the following six areas to gain clarity and focus.


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Quality Conversations: Alchemy for cultivating a healthy, thriving organization

Every person has instincts for greatness. We instinctively want to do well, to contribute, and to
be included on the winning team. No one needs to teach us to have these desires; they are built into our DNA.

Yet many organizations often become toxic environments filled with politics, power, and control, arrogance, and competing egos. They develop into unwelcoming places with invisible street signs that say, “Don’t go there,” “You can’t do this,” “You don’t know that,” “Save face,” “Blame,” and “Protect.”

Allowing ourselves to get sucked into territoriality can lead to cycles of behavior that erode relationships and take energy away from being productive, healthy, high-performing individuals, teams, and organizations. When we are stuck in territoriality, protecting what we have and fearing loss, we are living at a low level of effectiveness, which ensures we will never achieve our greatest aspirations.

In the face of negativity, positional power struggles, and self-limiting beliefs, our courage and ambition shrivel up and die. Companies lose their spirit, and mediocrity becomes a way of life. Often, without seeing it until the pattern becomes a death spiral, we put out the very flame needed to thrive.  So what can we do about it?

Article written by Judith E. Glaser

Learn more here.

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